10. Feb, 2020

Thoughts on my 14th Wedding Anniversary

Today is my double anniversary; 24 years since the blind date where I met my husband Gerry, and 14 years since we got married. We met on a blind date on 10 February 1996, after I placed an advert in the ‘Lonely Hearts’ page of the Yellow Advertiser newspaper (a good 20 years before the likes of Tinder). We had spoken on the phone quite a few times beforehand and so already knew we had a lot in common. Meeting up, I guess you could say it was love at first sight. we already knew we were right for each other. 

It still feels strange to reflect on the first 10 years we were together, during which we had no legal recognition at all; for most of it, the law considered us a ‘pretended family relationship’. And so, our wedding in 2006 was important not just because of the romance, or the lifetime commitment all couples make to each other on their wedding day. It was important because we were finally legally recognised.   

In fact we gave all our wedding guests commentative badges which read; “I’ve been to my first Gay wedding”. When I announced this during my speech, the room erupted into loud applause. Equal marriage rights weren’t just important for Gay couples. It meant the world to our family and friends too.

At the time, of course, our 2006 ceremony was a civil partnership. But when we were offered the chance to be legally married a few years ago, we were pleased to see this was simply back-dated to our wedding day. So, we have a wedding certificate that has 10 February 2006 as the date of our marriage.

It feels as though Gerry and I have lived through a time of enormous, positive change for the LGBT+ community. But we don’t take anything for granted. We know how easily attitudes can reverse and how rights can be taken away again. But today, we are enjoying our anniversary; 10 February 1996 and 2006. Both were great days.

Latest comments

14.02 | 00:49

Great read! The anticipation, setup, and reveal for each exposed secret was exciting. Loved that the book felt grounded in reality, and enjoyed being a fly on the wall in the paniced newsroom.

06.03 | 21:45

reminds me very much of the new BBC2 Richard Were FatherMotherSon, have they copied you

30.10 | 17:30

It’s a page turner. Piers Morgan and his ilk beware!

05.10 | 14:25

Absolutely loved this book. Please have it turned into a TV drama!

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